Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return

Stop the Cycle-TNVR Program

We are never going to adopt our way out of overpopulation, out of the suffering of the ones born outside or who end up in kill shelters. We are never going to foster our way out of those dying from horrific diseases for which there are vaccines. And though every effort is be made to find homes for friendlies and abandoned animals; there aren’t enough fosters, there aren’t enough homes anywhere.

As a kitten rescue we have to do more. Now with this effort under Sophia L’Orange Kitten Rescue what you donate is tax deductible.

A win for everyone. So we wanted to provide some information of what our efforts with all your help so far trying to STOP THE CYCLE look like.

Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return helps curb overpopulation and spares so many the suffering of being raised outdoors. Indoor cats/friendlies do not fare well outside so every effort should be made to try to find them loving homes. True ferals are not comforted by human contact but in a community where feed and cared for fixed and vaccinated they can help keep others safe. TNVR helps the quality of life for feral cats, helps reduce the number of cats around your neighborhood, and reduces the spread of disease and the number of cat deaths.

And honestly as a kitten rescue, even though we neuter ALL our cats and kittens before any adoption, TNVR MUST BE PART OF OUR PROGRAM; we must be part of the solution this way as well.

In 2023, the women who make up our TNVR program in NC trapped 888 cats, neutered, vaccinated, and returned 633 to where there are caretakers and support … we fully vetted, fostered and transferred or adopted out 110 adult friendlies and 124 kittens. Unfortunately 21 who despite all our efforts to save were too sick and did not make it, but they didn’t have to suffer further alone and in pain out there.

We do know we are constantly asking or even begging for TNVR help, people to help, or items we use, or more traps or money for us to be able to keep going. That's if it's a simple trap, fix, vaccinate and return, the cheapest for us to TNVR one feral in NC is $65 (and unfortunately due to one anesthesia being unavailable because of an issue in their factory, vets have been having to order a more expensive kind thus increasing their costs even more). Sometimes the cat is in terrible shape and needs more, and of course we can’t leave kittens there as 60% won’t make it to 6 months. Then there are sick kittens that need a vet and a foster, who we can sometimes them transfer out fully vetted to other rescues with room to find forever homes.

Still all of this is a third of the cost of our regular foster program.

So this is some of what we do, with your help, care, and support.

If you can’t donate right now, please share our posts on TNVR. Education and exposure will help in every area.