Ask Me About The Envelope Game
The Envelope game is part of the United Spay Alliance grant program with a goal for SLOKR-TNVR division to raise $2000 which will be matched by the United Spay Alliance.
The essence of the game is to select an envelope marked with a particular amount of money which you wish to donate. The envelopes are each marked on the outside, starting at $5, increasing in increments of $1 or $5, until all the envelopes add up to your goal.
So that once all the envelopes have been filled, you’ve reached your goal.
Now that’s easier to do at an event, like our food sale in NC where the envelope game already raised $984 for our SL’OKR Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return program. So we just need to raise $1016 more to reach the $2000 goal and then that $2000 will matched by United Spay Alliance, and together that money will allow us to stop the cycle for nearly 80 more community cats, preventing the suffering of ~250-400 more kittens due to overpopulation just this year.
So this fundraiser and the matching grant can be huge for this area. Since we started our TNVR program, we have trapped over 1750 cats, getting the friendlies and kittens into local rescues and returning the others to caretakers (or releasing to careful and considerate barns) after neuter and vaccinations. And we do all this for about 30% of our operating budget with our foster/adopt program. You can see why we feel we must try to continue these efforts.
We can also try to play the game at our kitten storytime at the bookstore, so we’ll have envelopes there too.
Perhaps asking our followers if at birthday parties, for Halloween, at cheer contests or sports games their kids may want to get involved too in their own envelope game and then send in the money they raise.
But how can we play online?
Perhaps the easiest way is asking for donations to the envelopes. Rescue takes a village, maybe the game does too.
And then we’ll virtually fill envelopes too.
And working together to support TNVR, we can help all rescues and shelters not overflow every year. There just aren’t enough fosters or homes for all those who need us. And as a kitten rescue we must support these efforts if we’re ever going to have a shot at ending the suffering from overpopulation.
And being selected for this grant is a step in helping make that possible.
The United Spay Alliance is a national animal welfare organization, based in Maryland, dedicated exclusively to promoting affordable, accessible, and timely spay/neuter services as the solution to the crisis of cat and dog homelessness. They support two matching grants a year, one in the spring and the other in the fall. We are honored to be selected as on of 37 recipients for the 2024 Fall grant. Please help us reach our $2000 goal so that we receive the matching 2000 grant money.
**100% of the funds raised towards the $2000 and the matching grant will go to our SL’OKR TNVR Program. Any amount over will be used for our general funds to support our fostering program as well as TNVR.